Friday, May 29, 2009


Two weeks of holiday starting from know what that means. In my dictionary it says:

Definition of Holiday :
1. Being a no lifer -> Should I be glad or should I be sad?

That said, my UTs are over, and bloody shit, I swear, those fuckers are going to make us do those UTs all over again because of a technical error on their part? They blew up the program, not us....

Just another day at school....when you are a student, you get pushed around so much it's gotten to be quite a normal experience..

I hate everything named Bob. I hate Chemistry. I hate Maths. I hate Programming. I <3 Gaming!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Brief Update

Hey all,

Here for a brief update yerrrrr......yeah me sick....sore throat, cough....omg swine flu ei.....

Too bad, no fever. The only thing that's shitty is that this comes when its supposed to be UT period, so it gets more shitty all around....

Tomorrow's Maths....I bet results will be more shitty than being sick.

That's all, kthxbai

Friday, May 22, 2009

Insanity - Where's that red button

So I am back here again, after nearly a day of absence.....

Ever wondered why your class is so quiet and what not, sorta anti social kinds, you know, no intermingling between groups. Boy, I was so wrong, and the phrase 'looks can be deceptive' still holds true to this day. Let me recount the day's event that led me to this conclusion that my class is pretty insane.

Okay, you know. So basically when the facilitator was presenting the 6thP (which is a summary of the day's learning for those non RP), I got pulled (quite unwilling?) into a class mass conversation in MSN. Okay, I was fine with being their entertainment tool....and then the comedy started when one of them ( QIN D: ) started posting YouTube links about horse sex. Okay, fuck it. And then the entire convo went downhill, went to bangala squirrels, Spiderman (bangala again), bangala horse porn, Desker Road, thai aunties (yes I understand your bullshit guys), errr, basically all the horrible shit they could think of. I NEVER laughed so hard at a god damn MSN convo, seriously. I think someone got a kick out of it.

Now I am going to expect a D for a grade. For laughing so horribly hard (yes, Long your fault arh, your laughter is so infectious :P ). Well, we'll see.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Musixz - And the phailed attemptz

So I decided to put nice music.......unfortunately it seemed like a complete failure :(

Anyway, that's all from me today. I'll enlist the help of my uber blogging mei to fix this dilemma of mine....

The music I was planning to put on is The Price of Freedom from FF7 Crisis Core btw.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bus No.187 from Jurong Interchange

Is now a complete fail in my book.

I mean seriously, wtf, I reach the bus stop at 7.15am. ANNNNNNNNND look what happens.

You come at 7.40am. Two buses. Sounds good?

Nope. Both buses are packed full of people. They just run past our stop without looking back.

The third bus comes at 7.50am. Come 2 minutes later, and I would have been late. Thereby destroying my clean record of punctuality! (I reached my classroom at 8.28am, 8.31am> considered late)

This is starting to smell like a bloody conspiracy.....Maybe you guys over at Jurong should take a leaf out of Woodlands. At least they come on time.

Oh, maybe I might have a picture or two for you guys. Maybe. But we'll leave that for later.

EDIT: Maybe it ain't so bad as I thought. We'll see >.>

Friday, May 8, 2009

Time to Vent

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.....okay done.

Back to the crux, hm. Two(maybe three arh) words basically sums it all up. FUCKING BUSES FTL

Can never get why the buses from Woodlands interchange always come faster than those at Jurong interchange. Nearly late for school today ROFL. Seriously, I got nothing to blog about, IDK why I am here. Must be you Ryan, your blog fever is affecting me......

Maybe I might have something to blog about.........archery.....soon.....(when I can find where the damn IG venue is at, I need to shoot arrows at a wooden Ryan Wong)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Flu-mmigration Checkpoint


I'm sure most of us know about the swine flu that's running around the world these days, eh? Well, entering RP is like going through a god damn flu-mmigration checkpoint. The moment you enter the main complex, you are greeted with rows of 'counters', like those when you come back from overseas at Changi Airport. I mean, it's just flu, and it hasn't EXACTLY hit our island country yet. Even though it's better safe than sorry, eh?

In my opinion - this flu is so overly publicized for one reason. Throw our minds off the economic crisis and into worrying that 'OMG ITZ SARS ALL OVAH AGAIN!11!!1!!' know it, I know it.

CONSPIRACEH!!!!1!!1!11!!1!!OMGLOLWTF!!!1!1!!1!!1!!!!!LIKE TEH UFOZ!!!11!1!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ways of Communication

Hey ya'll,

I found something to write about, so I am here, again :(

Email. What's it for? I mean, in RP you get your own email account so they can inform you of things instead of using paper, right? Well I really don't mind, but I still can't get used to not having a piece of paper to inform me of stuff.

But then, here's the downside. Today I had a good friend Wei Long tell me that we needed to bring a thermometer to school. To confirm it, I of course switched on my laptop and started rummaging through my mail. Okay, seriously, I opened that frigging mail box expecting only a few messages, and... WALAH! 46 unread messages, half of which I have no idea what it wants me to know, and all the important ones are chunked in the middle. Took me 15 minutes to skim through the entire lot before finding the one I wanted. Thanks for the spam RP.

Well that's all I got. Now to find that darned thermometer. DIE SWINE FLU.

EDIT: My sister found one for me :P Hmm, maybe you won't need to die just yet swine flu?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Polytechnic Life - FTW, or FTL?

Hey crazy egomaniacs,

It's the second week of school already. How's everyone doin? Lawls.

For me I got no gripes. Besides one thing. The bus. Why?

I leave home at 7.10AM. Reach bus stop at 7.15. Bus comes at 7.35AM. And by then 10 190s would have passed by, along with a horde of other bus services. No 187 in 20 minutes.

That said, back to polytechnic life - crux of the issue.
We got long breaks, we got freedom, what else do we need? Errrrrrr...

Instead of us eating during breaks, the breaks are eaten by the worksheet and the terrifying wanker of a program called Microsoft Powerpoint

That said, Ryan, YOU SUCK. Thanks for forcing me to tag your lame blog :P